
Status magic shield hero
Status magic shield hero

status magic shield hero

None of the windows broke, so he released it, mind returning to its prior train. Won't come until the storm ends.if it ends.'Ī new howl of wind roared louder, momentarily interrupting the Japanese youth's thoughts as he held his breath. ' Been able to uphold the charade for awhile.since dad was.executed on that platform. ' If we survive.the Faith Keepers will probably take.exception to us being here rather than going to a sermon,' his thoughts continued, a slight scowl forming on his brow. Body heat was a small addition, but.every little bit helped.


' It was -100 Centigrade outside the generator last word went around.the number of times things have picked up.the ice on the window.just how bad is this going to get.' he questioned, holding his brother close. The elder of the brothers, the twenty year old with raven hair, Iwatani Naofumi, grimaced as he heard the intensifying roar of the storm outside. If the two Japanese engineers once sent to learn from the universities of England to bring their expertise back to their homeland survived, the Faith Keepers might well take exception to them having remained apart from the sermons being preached. It kept the edge off the sheer cold that the storm raging through the city of the Protector of the Truth. In one of the houses of New London around the outskirts of the massive Heat Generator the city was founded around, two brothers garbed in many, thick layers of clothing and under fur blankets huddled as close to the roaring fire as they dared.


So if it's inaccurate, someone needs to update the Wiki page to actually give him a name. In regards to Naofumi's brother's name, I used After the Rain's name for him. Figure some things have changed over the 140 year period between then and now, but I have no clue what. If someone can give me some good links to early Meiji Period Japanese traditions and Shintoism, that'd be appreciated.

status magic shield hero

This is largely just a copying over of my post in the Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari Idea and Recs Thread over so it can be its own thread, as I now have the second chapter's ending changed over to what I'm wanting it to be (that'll be posted later in the day) and a good chunk of the third chapter has been written up.

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